HCC Warrior Prayers

What are warrior prayers? They are 5 chosen prayers by the staff and leadership as we seek God's will for HCC. Warrior Prayers are lifted by men and women of God who continue to wear out a path in their constant return to the throne of heaven for the growth and glory of His Kingdom. These warriors are committed to "P.U.S.H." - pray until something happens!

Prayer Wheel

One of the ways that we practice prayer at HCC is through the personal use of The Prayer Wheel. This is a great tool to practice prayer for an extended amount of time. 

Prayer Updates

Prayer is our priority at HCC. We believe that God hears us, and we believe that there is nothing more powerful we can do than praying. If you would like to  sign up for our prayer updates, check out the link below.

Prayer and Fasting

Fasting is a willing abstinence from food for a period of time. We live in a culture of excess. We have an excess of food, luxury and addiction. For many of us, the desires of our body have come to hold power over us. For millennia, it was a core practice of the church to fast weekly. We believe that fasting is an important practice for HCC.

On the last Wednesday of each month, we practice prayer and fasting as a church. You should join us! Click the button below for some guidance on how to do a prayer fast from right where you are. 

Prayer requests

We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know. Our team prays for all the prayer requests we receive on a regular basis.